Thursday, November 08, 2007

Pulp Refreshed

It's been a while since I've made an update concerning my Modern Pulp projects, what with all of my recent time and energy going into Blue Shift, so I figured I'd make a quick rundown on what is going on...

Dallas McCoy
The new Dallas McCoy series is still in the works, but we are now looking for a second artist for the book. Although we have several scripts ready to go, our regular DM artist (Sidney Lima) is now too busy working on the Blue Shift book to get it off the ground. We're looking at an artist now, so hopefully we'll be back on track with this soon.

Sprecken: Kalabus Rex
The second issue of the Sprecken: Kalabus Rex mini-series is still being lettered. I had hoped to have it ready for the middle of October, but I was just swamped with getting Blue Shift off the ground. Now that the preview book is done with, I'll be getting back to finishing it up. By the way, the art shown here was drawn by Pedro Pablo, the artist for this mini-series.

Lucifer Fawkes: North of Here
The final issue of the one-shots, Lucifer Fawkes: North of Here, is still in in production, albeit very slowly. At this point, it really just needs to be lettered, but we're just not certain what we are going to do with this. We may release it as a one-shot for next year, or we may just compile it into a trade with the others.

Gibson Dent: The Amulet of Sa-Ra
This has been bugging me for awhile. I've really been wanting to get back to this character, but I wasn't quite sure what to do. Should I finish the old online story where I left off? Do I rewrite it as a novel? I just could not make up my mind. But, truth be told, neither idea seemed to work for me. However, the thought of rewriting the original online story as a full comic did have a certain appeal. In order to make the deadline on the old online strip, I had to cut out a lot of stuff I wanted to do with him and his supporting cast. So, I may be re-doing this as a straight adventure comic...